America getting its Mo-Joe back!

While the rest of its allies saw a “Death Star” hovering over America’s head it seems far too many Trump supporters could only see a bright shiny light. Maybe that’s why they voted for him along with a rebellious statement for those who constantly declared they were misguided. When Obama was elected in 2008 it looked like America had come of age, as he and his family represented the best of what America was really about. It didn’t matter if he was flawed, he had a vision and represented America both at home and abroad in the best way possible. But it seems for some of those states located in the middle of Red Heartland this was a bridge too far and it only amplified the great divide. Couple this with years of misinformation fed to a captive audience creates a recipe only to reek havoc. Then ice that cake with a trillion $ debt added to the economy to fund a tax cut which for the first time allowed the wealthy to pay less tax than the working class. Especially, after arguing for 8 yrs on fiscal responsibility when it was the other guy, blocking all policy making attempts. It’s ironic in US conservative circles they trade on the taboo word, “socialism” because it invokes the same response as garlic to a vampire. Yet for decades they have practised corporate socialism at obscene levels both with state and federal governments. Failing to see the hypocrisy in that nor all the other injustices including voter suppression, gerrymandering, the electoral college or court stacking. Conservatism has to learn that the human progress timeline doesn’t freeze at the 1950’s where environment never played a part nor did population expansion or huge social shifts with technology. It was also when wages were at their strongest and the average CEO only made 20 times that of the baseline compared to current day where it’s almost 300 times. Biden may have not been the best candidate from the Democratic party but even if he was comatose his Administration will surely outperform the Trump grifter team a thousand fold. So that’s the calming factor for the rest of the world, although there will be an anxious wait until January 20th as a lot could happen between now and then. But if all goes to plan, watch parties break out all over the world on inauguration day. In the meantime it’s worth another reminder of what a real President looks like with another excerpt from John McCain’s funeral service whom also met that “Presidential” high bar. Joe Biden speaking about his friend and shared belief in principles and what should be at the heart of America’s soul.

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