America at the Tipping Point

While there is massive global interest in the outcome of the American election. In reality the rest of the world doesn’t get a vote and it will come down to a few small swing states that decide it. A flawed system that has been in place since post-civil war which discounts the popular vote and allows smaller populated states to carry more weight in determining outcomes with both federal and presidential elections. What is also unfortunate that all of America’s adversaries recognise this as America’s Achillies heal and a golden opportunity when targeting social media feeds with propaganda in order to create social disharmony in a country they wish to see fail.  After all they have the Fox news organisation as their benchmark, which has also been doing the same thing for decades turning lies into monetary value. In other words, conservatism has done very little in terms of positive outcomes for the people who vote for them, with one small exception the top ten percent income earners. They have helped the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer but that is where it stops.  So, let’s just look at how Conservatism has improved America in the past fifty years. As a quick starting point it should be noted that since 1933 Democratic administrations have delivered roughly double the economic growth compared to Republican administrations over that time period. Currently the Biden administration has the strongest economic growth of any country in terms of employment and economic performance. But you would never hear that on Fox news, they would rather eat dirt. They won’t tell you the rest of the world is doing it much harder than they are.  Except they will complain about inflation and the price of gas but decline to mention all of it’s trade  competitors pays double for the price of gas than what the US consumer pays. It was the same when Obama was in office, Fox kept pumping out how bad he was while the rest of the world thought differently. This is the disconnect from reality the MAGA movement has, believing the USA can remain an island totally removed from global market forces and conflicts with no impact on them. The reason universal health care has never been adopted in the US to match all of it’s competitors is only due to conservatism.  The reason USA pays more than anyone else for prescription medications is because of conservatism    always backing big pharma over the people who vote for them. That is until the Biden adminstration started to change all of that.  Its also conservatism that screams “socialism” any time low-income citizens are proposed to receive a government benefit yet fail to see the hypocrisy when gov bails out big business or grants tax cuts to the rich. The reason the USA has more people living in poverty than any of their western competitors is because of conservatism. The reason there is not equal justice for all in the USA like in all other democratic countries is due to conservatism.  The reason elections are not decided by the popular vote is because of conservatism. The reason more people died in the USA in terms of ratio to population than anywhere else in the world during covid is because of conservatism. The reason USA has more gun deaths & mass shootings than any country on earth is because of conservatism. The reason you have to tip service workers due to the min pay rates being way below the poverty line is because of conservatism. The reason for extreme weather events that America & the world suffers from now with 50 yrs of inaction on climate change is due to conservatism. This is just the short list of examples on how conservative ideology represents a clear and present danger not only to America but to the survival of mankind as well. An ideology so out of sync with modern world problems trying to always resurrect 1950s (the white mad men era)  while everyone else has moved on. Smart political movements learn from history along with acquired knowledge that comes from science and human endeavour in order to survive and prosper while still promoting social harmony as a goal. When you create massive wealth gaps in your population that is never going to promote social harmony, it’s a recipe for disorder and division. Hopefully the new momentum with Harris will continue and bring about sweeping changes that is needed. Conservatism in the US really needs a good hard look in the mirror in terms of moral and ethical behaviour. A party totally bankrupt in practical policies, a one trick pony only offering insults, anger, lies and fear as a platform. Team that up with those so-called Christians who put aside their moral beliefs in order to walk the same path. After all they have put their faith in the craziest, corrupt, most stupid man in America whose record would not allow him to qualify for a cleaning job in a shopping mall yet decide on him as their pick for president. Keeping in mind though, Trump represents the current Republican party values in every way, a party built on lies, corruption & conspiracies, running on empty.

Footnote: Since the Democratic convention & the debate it has become clear that this election is about intellect vs ignorance & lies or the People vs Republicans. In the MAGA world where they choose to live in the “The Trueman show” universe as opposed to the real world is kind of sad but also very dangerous, because it’s a world that only exists due to deception and has done so for the past 50 yrs. If you have to distract your base with absurdities like illegals eating your pets then you know the social media algorithm for idiots is working way beyond expectations. Especially for some of the tech gurus who have fallen under the same spell that can sometimes come from their own creation  Part 2 here:

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Australia in 4K scenic landscapes

While I have never visited Uluru (known as the Rock) in the Northern Territory I have been to a lot of the other places featured in this video. It’s fair to say I am more attracted to sand and sea landscapes than wide open spaces. I know some people love the outback and that’s good but I guess I fall into the category that most Australians seem to prefer somewhere close to the ocean or within a couple of hours drive as my version of utopia. I posted this to emphasise the importance of looking after the environment we live in and how everything can be dramatically altered in a heartbeat with climate change.

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Chasing the sun in winter

Pictures from this year’s road trip north escaping Canberra’s winter. Although with a changing climate our winters are trending warmer each year now. Still, it’s one of the nicer things about living on a large Island continent with a relatively small population. When you are completely surrounded by ocean with a dry inland most people choose to live near the coast or are within a couple of hours drive of the coastline. Even considering that, you never have to venture far to find a secluded area of beach that you can call your own. I found a few of these this year in different places, and others where lots of people gathered to enjoy nature’s playground. Including a couple of kangaroos which made themselves at home in the front yard of a holiday guest house.



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Road Trip North

As the opportunity came up for a road trip north again this winter into warmer weather I couldn’t pass it up. Considering all that has gone on over the past to two years globally, its nice to be able to travel freely once again while still being cautious at the same time. These are a small sample of pictures taken along the way at various locations. This has always been part of my retirement bucket list, I hope to keep doing it as long as I can.


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Trolls who attack this site only means more facts being posted.

Another decision passed down by the American Supreme Court (or as Jon Stewart describes it as the “Fox News of Justice”) that was against the wishes of around sixty five percent (70% in 2013 when misinformation was not the weapon of choice) of the entire population of the US shows how democracy has evolved in this new world order of the GOP. They are not concerned about one vote one value, they are only concerned about holding onto power at any cost. By enforcing minority values on an entire population is not much different than Islamic state rule or Taliban type tactics. This is a party that claim to be the moral gate keepers for the entire population so concerned about the life of the unborn no matter how it was conceived yet this same philosophy also means you are on your own after birth. Not to mention the social outcome for unwanted children and the welfare of the mother. When you operate with this sort of logic against the wishes of the majority there is no good outcome at the end. Not to mention other factors being revealed in the Jan 6th hearings with the same GOP. In any other civilised democracy Trump & his minions would already be behind bars but at the time of this post nothing but the outer circle are currently wearing the orange jumpsuits despite overwhelming evidence that multiple crimes have been committed.

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Gold Coast 2022

Just back from a recent trip to the Gold Coast playing in the Australian Open Bowls tournament. While we were blessed with perfect weather and great bowls clubs to visit I have to say it’s not my favourite destination of choice. Only because I prefer to wind down rather than a wind up when it comes to taking a break. To have so much high density living so close to a beach, looking through my eyes is graffiti on nature. Especially with those huge high rises, in my view that sort of development so close to the coast line is like throwing a tin of paint on a masterpiece work of art. In the meantime while away this web site also came under multiple attacks again since I put up a link to a video on the stupidity of embracing a gun culture in a modern highly populated society. This obviously upset quite a few people but they still don’t have the courage to make an argument identifying themselves. Instead they troll behind a VPN and try to kill a message they don’t agree with because their reality vaporises when it comes to arguing against truth.


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America’s gun problem

A month or so ago I posted an article on propaganda that was broad comment on the invasion of Ukraine plus how it is used world wide for political power. In the meantime we had a federal election in Australia and much to my surprise there was a change of government. So here was a rare victory for truth over misinformation as it was climate change policies or lack of them that turned this political tide. Now once again we have a tragic mass shooting in America and yes, those good ole boys from GOP or as we like to call them these days, “The American Taliban” still keep pumping out the same absurdities about a “good guy with a gun” and lets not forget the mental health card as legitimate arguments to do nothing about policy changes. Well it seems the good guys with a gun were there, plus more good guys with guns some 14mins later. Yet all that carnage still took place, but they keep looking for any answer except the obvious because that answer they can’t fathom. This is conservatism American style in the 21st century, everything they purport to believe in is the exact opposite to the truth. Which in turn poses a direct threat to everyone. This is what happens when you immerse yourself in a flawed culture without the ability to zoom out in changing circumstances and problem solve. The sad part is, these misguided people are always the minority in terms of the American population wishes overall, yet still determine policy. They suppress voting, stack courts, deny science, deny facts and determine anyone who disagrees with them the enemy not a fellow citizen. I once mentioned in a previous post on the gift good comedians have looking at something objectively and highlighting how firmly held fictional beliefs are easily dismantled with humour and truth. Jim Jefferies may be crude, rude & foreign which are all the ingredients to make American gun lovers angry. However he still has every argument covered on the insane logic they use for no change to gun laws. This skit is almost decade old now and was made before the Las Vegas mass shooting but still every bit as relevant today as it was then.  One final point to all the gun nuts out there, with those mythical fantasies on freedom and fear. You have no idea what real freedom is until you can go about your everyday business, send your kids to school and never have to think about others carrying a gun or be concerned. That’s a freedom that most western wealthy countries have that you will never ever know. Part one below, Part two here.

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Voting Wisely

While it might be too late to stop Climate change as it’s already here we still have the chance to prevent it from being catastrophic. The reason we are here in the first place comes down to one thing and one thing only, “Conservatism”. This is not just here but a drift from what was once a shared belief into something that became political. Now with it’s reluctance to accept science and data just because they think there is political mileage to be gained from it. Much like a Dr telling their patient to take up smoking.  So here we are, extreme weather events almost weekly now somewhere around the globe that we have to accept as being normal. Given we now have a National Election in progress here in Australia it’s time to be reminded on who took any action on emissions over the past 20-30 yrs and who undid those attempts. Voters need to be reminded how civilisation has evolved from living in caves to landing on the moon. It doesn’t come from faith or believing in the Sun God. It comes from acquired knowledge and using that knowledge to progress and deal with challenges. Be it disease control, resource management, global population impacts and everything else. Climate change is just another one of those challenges that we already have solutions for. Yet instead of being the number one priority on everyone’s list it becomes obscure to some sectors of the population due to that same wilful ignorance. Yet a recent representative global population survey shows over 64% want action on climate change. Break that down to affluent, well educated countries and it jumps up to to well over 75%. Which also makes you wonder how this minority opinion keeps dominating government action over the decades to the point of bringing down multiple leaders of government in Australia. All over one issue, Climate Change policy.

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The Power of Propaganda

The recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia attempting to rebuild an Empire or making Russia great again just highlights the dangers of any country electing or putting faith in would be autocrats. As they all come to power citing some beef with minorities as the fix it for all problems. Along with inciting hate rather than promoting well thought out political solutions. Putin’s war on Ukraine or as he likes to call it “Special Operations” is supposed to be getting rid of the Nazi’s yet he is killing women and children. This is how propaganda works, Hitler also used the same method only with today’s technology they can control the messaging for an entire country. So the general population of Russia will be totally oblivious to the reality of what their leader is doing and herein lies the power of the media in the hands of an autocrat. You only have to look at the many people talking to their relatives in Russia who try to explain they are being bombed out of existence and they just don’t believe them. Even a father doesn’t believe his own daughter. Trump people are no different, they choose to remain in this BS bubble that puts everyone else at risk by wanting to take the USA down the same political path as Russia.  All countries have a certain percentage of their population gullible to these types of political figures including Australia. However America seems to have a higher percentage than most due to it’s past history aligned in faith and those same sections of the population intolerant of minorities & opposing views. Trump came to power singing this song, wrapping himself in the flag with one hand on an upside down Bible. Not with a unifying message, but one that incites division.  This was exactly how Putin tried to boost Trump with his powerful propaganda effort only it worked beyond his wildest dreams. As Trump become full on doing Putin’s bidding trying his best to divide a global western alliance for the sake of me first. This is the perfect recipe for a country to fail and their real enemies to prosper. Unfortunately the cult like followers of this individual never take stock when faced with the realities of their choice. A criminal grifter, corrupt to the core yet when exposed they keep giving him a pass. Even characterising Trump as a Rambo like figure despite him dodging the draft. Compare that to the leader of Ukraine at the moment despite his perilous position, no bone spurs for him. Another trend with this cult was to promote more and more crazies rather than sensible rational thinking people as their elected representative. Not only is this delusional it puts their own country and the entire free world at risk.  It was just fortunate that enough Americans woke up the second time round instead believing the untrue or being wilfully blind. Because this is what reality looks like outside that comfort bubble of only listening to what you want to hear and see. Right now there is no choice of remaining in that bubble, unless of course you tune into Russian TV. The Truth may be confronting and ugly but it shows the danger of blind faith that discards facts and common sense that is dismissed as fake news. This war being raged in Ukraine is not only a battle for democracy, it’s a war on truth. The same battle that has been going on in America for the past decade. A war on truth designed to kill a democracy just like in Ukraine that large elements of the American  conservative movement are playing a part in.

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Summer Rain that won’t stop.

While the world is currently focused on a dictator causing havoc in Europe. Australia’s east coast and elsewhere are treading water with endless rainfall that just keeps coming. It’s ironic that in 2020 I posted the exact opposite where much of the east coast was burning with bushfires. Which in turn prompted me to begin posting about our government’s inaction over climate change. So here we are two years on and it’s the same story. Weather events on steroids keep happening year after year but for some people they keep talking it up as natural weather. The once in a 100 or 1000 year event, yet it’s funny how insurance companies don’t see it the same way.

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